Tori Caine
Bringing Dance to the Heart of the Community
Dance for Parkinson's
Tori has been teaching Dance for Parkinson's since 2016 and has trained with People Dancing Live Well and Dance with Parkinson's and PDSW. She was an Associate Artist with the Luminelle CID Project directed by Danielle Jones and has attended remote training with David Leventhal, Dance for PD Brooklyn, NY.
The Point Eastleigh
Tori co-teaches the very popular Dance for Parkinson's class at The Point with Gabriel Galvez.
Dancers enjoy the fabulous studio and garden stage setting whilst making new friends at class.
Classes can help with fluidity of movement, flexibility, balance and everyday living.
Contact: Gina Thorley gina.thorley@eastleigh.gov.uk
Parkwood Leisure Salisbury
Movement and Dance for Parkinson's is facilitated by Parkinson's UK Salisbury Branch and is co-taught by Tori and Samantha Gillingham.
The class is very social and is combined with a calendar of regular meet ups and events. Dancers feel the benefit of targeted movements to upbeat music by following the Dance Science approach to class.
Contact: Peter Akehurst peteakeh@aol.com